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STEREOTYPECO: Alya Ladali Interview | Respect The Artist

Tell us a little bit about yourself

My name is Alya Ladali, I am an artist from New York in the field of psychedelic art and creator of a new direction of fluorescent and phosphorescent painting beyond the limits of ordinary vision.

How did you get your Artist name?

Alya is my second name, that's what my parents and friends call me, and Ladali, like many amazing things in my life, came to me from the space of dreams, in which the gates to the world of the subconscious and deeper dimensions of reality open. Waking up in your own dream and realizing that this performance is still happening behind the closed curtain of your eyelids will help you see the world from a different angle, like Zhuang Zhou and the butterfly.

How did you get into creating?

Throughout my life, I tried to plunge into the boundless ocean of various experiences, passing them through every cell of my body and transforming the received states into the realization of the next experience. Possessing a strong quality of passion, I dissolved in these processes, erasing the boundaries of the ever-flowing sands of time. I think in the manner of explaining my thoughts, you can see that literature also did not bypass me. As for my merging with the world of colors, it happened a few years ago, on one of my country trips, on which one of my best friends took paints and canvases with him, and it was there that I made my first wave of a magic wand, laying the foundation for new chapter in my life.

How has creating changed your life?

The power of creation is one of the most powerful tools given to us by life to embody our best qualities in this world. I would call it an elixir of immortality, capable of speaking through centuries and millennia with future generations, and if we shorten this period to the current life, then for me it is a guiding star illuminating the path In the abyss of other people's ideas and desires, prophesying happiness for a gold coin or the fulfillment of someone else's dreams with your hands.

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