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Alya Ladali - the creator of the alchemical laboratory of art within the walls of which light is shed on the worlds hidden from our eyes. 

From early childhood, I was fascinated by the mystery of the universe and things beyond ordinary understanding. The infinity of the night sky was able to erase all the boundaries of the established rules, dissolving my personality in its incomprehensible greatness. On the pages of the book of life, I saw an incessant melody sounding on black and white keys. Duality is an integral part of our world, and in order to feel its true taste, it is necessary to transform two opposites.  My goal is to express my inner experience through all the tools available to me in order to allow other people to see the world through my eyes, tasting it with every cell of the body. Our life is just a fleeting spark on the common canvas of the universe and having time to share leaving behind a flame that can kindle people's hearts and give the opportunity to feel this fantastic experience hidden behind the veil of everyday existence is the most precious gift for me. Once having tasted the note of the mystery of our incomprehensible world, life will never be the same again.  When the final point of this book comes is a mystery behind seven seals, but as long as the sound of life keep going its mesmerizing melody, I will continue this dance shedding light on hidden worlds!

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